
Day 5, Saturday, June 25th

"I thought it was him..."--Erin (Whiteland Warrior)

Today's highlights included a trip into Kailua town for a ride on the Atlantis submarine and a little shopping. While on the sub we saw many of the same types of fish and coral as we have seen snorkeling, but it was a nice break to just sit and watch rather than suiting up and getting in the water. Although if you were on the PORT side you saw much more than others. Videos from the sub will be posted later. After the ride, we enjoyed some free time shopping, exploring Kona, and most importantly Hawaiian shave ice! On our way back from Kona we visited some ancient Hawaiian petroglyphs which are carvings in lava rock. We got a very small taste of the hike to come tomorrow on our way out to see the carvings.