
Day 3 Thursday, June 23rd

 "The mint chocolate chip ice cream in Hawaii isn't green. It sort takes away the essence of mint chocolate chip ice cream."--Hannah (Whiteland Warrior) "Then close your eyes."--Laura (Whiteland Warrior)

"Lynch...is there a bathroom around here?"--Hannah (Whiteland Warrior)

On Day 3 we had our second snorkeling experience at Crystal Cove. Crystal Cove is famous for its beautiful coral, which is why it was chosen as the site for the Coral Zonation lab. This snorkeling experience included the giant stride entry which can be seen in the video! Hawaiiana was about myths and legends, which is always a favorite. We got to hear tales about Pele, the nightmarchers, and many others. Hopefully, after hearing about the power of Pele we will not have anyone trying to take any of the lava rocks home with them. The Hawaiians regard the rocks on the island as Pele's children.