
Laura's Reflection (Whiteland Community H.S.)

Hawaii and Me
            Boarding the plane on June 21, 2011, I was a little annoyed to find out that two little brats were going to be sitting right behind me.  Kicking the seat, moving the food tray up and down, and forcing their little heads next to my seat to try and look out the window wraps up the first thirty minutes of the trip.  Suddenly I remember realizing…I am going to Hawaii, and don’t you dare let two little rug rats ruin it for you!  The timelessly long and treacherous plane ride to Phoenix was my first and last bad experience.  Luckily, my best friend Hannah came along and always had my side.  Seriously…we were inseparable!  Hannah and I became very close and have millions of inside jokes and funny memories from the trip.  I can not remember a day when we didn’t laugh hysterically about something random and stupid.  Though our days spent in Hawaii were packed full of different places to see, snorkeling labs, activities, classes, and beach time, I did my best to overcome my constant sleepiness.  Visiting Hawaii had always been a big dream of mine, but being able to go there and do all of the amazing things I got to do was incredible! 
            Waking up on the first day at Hawaii Prepatory Academy, I reached for the snooze button on my alarm clock, but Hannah would not let me sleep in.  She had already showered, clothed and was ready to go!  We hurried down for breakfast and realized what we had been eating were “APPLE CINNAMON PANCAKES!” Hannah, being in love with food, had to tell Lynch and Hartman for herself.  I definitely miss HPA’s cafeteria and all of the delicious food served everyday.  Hannah and I always find ourselves craving the rice, fresh pineapple, homemade pizza, salads, and mysterious desserts.  After taking a late night trip to McDonalds and loading up on Hawaii brand ice-cream, we realized our stomachs were not used to the junk food anymore! 
            Besides all of the yummy foods, HPA also introduced me to marine biology.  Kumu Mari and kumu Monica helped me understand the importance of our marine life and all its environmental factors to keeping it safe.  Though class felt like it dragged on, I did my best to pay attention and take notes.  The labs were my favorite part.  Whenever anything is hands on and visual, I think I learn the best.  Exploring tide pools at night was my absolute favorite lab.  I loved seeing all the organisms and night life hiding under rocks and coral.  Most labs consisted of Hannah diligently taking notes and writing down details, while I wandered around and pointed at cool-looking things.  Going to Crystal Cove was also a great experience.  Before jumping into the water, Hannah had her own little incident, but I don’t want to say too much!  I loved the clear blue water and the colorful fish there.  Being able to see my toes at the bottom of the ocean was helpful for me…I hate the murky Florida waters.  Swimming next to my favorite animal, the green sea turtle was something I will never forget.  I took tons of pictures and even a video! Snorkeling around in the ocean is a new hobby of mine.  Though at times I had some technical difficulties, I learned to live with a leaky mask.  Seeing amazing organisms and knowing their names was a cool, but nerdy feeling.
            After a couple days of warming up to each other, all of the students started mixing with other school’s students.  It was cool to meet new people and still share things in common with them.  Uncle Dennis was definitely a highlight to my trip.  He said some of the most random things and everyone always laughed!  Since Hannah and I normally sat in the first seat right behind Dennis, we would constantly see him squinting up in the mirror and looking around at everyone.  Uncle Dennis made the trip very entertaining and educational. His Hard Rock t-shirts never got old!
            Hannah Sessler, girl who never settles for less than perfect, helped me realize studying does pay off!  She is the type of person who strives for the best and does everything to make it there.  Even though there were nights that she had to hide under her blankets with a flashlight to study because I screamed at her to put her notes down, she will still be my academic idol.  During labs I was usually the leader that searched for the fish or grabbed sea cucumbers, while Hannah had the binder or slate and wrote down the notes.  No, she did not do ALL the work.  I contributed as well.  She would have never faced her fears of sharks if it wasn’t for me!  With our common love for shaved ice, white rice, Bubba Gump, ice-cream, and going to bed early, Hannah and I were the ideal room mates!
            Many memories were made in the 16 days spent in paradise.  I will never forget seeing the beautiful shooting star shoot across the night sky at HPA, or seeing the glow from Kilauea erupting. 
            I am so thankful that I was given the chance to visit Hawaii.  For awhile, I was working two jobs to make the payments for the trip, but it was well worth it.  I looked forward to leaving Indiana all year!  Hannah and I dreamed about it constantly!  (We would purposely talk about it in front of our friends to make them jealous.)  I don’t think I ever felt homesick being away for so long, but Hannah definitely did.  “I just want my shower and nice, comfy bed back!” I heard this statement at least twice a day towards the end of the trip.  She got through it though, and absolutely loved our room and bathroom in Maui.  Saying goodbye to the Big Island was tough, but the luxury of our hotel in Maui was a nice change.  The entire trip was filled with laughter and silly sayings.  “With cheese…”  If only Hannah, Ms. Hartman, and I could explain how many foods go perfectly with cheese?  The list goes on and on! 
Many memories were made in the 16 days spent in paradise.  I will never forget seeing the beautiful shooting star shoot across the night sky at HPA, or seeing the glow from Kilauea erupting.   Hawaii was everything I hoped for and more.  Whether it was hiking, snorkeling, star gazing, laying out, hula dancing, eating, shopping, or sitting on the bus, I loved it all!  Thank you, Ms. Hartman and all of the chaperones, for the incredible opportunity and successful trip.