
Holly's Reflection (Whiteland Community H.S.)

Huakai 2011
My trip to Hawaii was a great experience. I learned so many interesting facts I did not know before this trip. I got to see so many sights that were beautiful and priceless. I got to meet new people that I became very good friends with. And, I got memories that will last a lifetime.
Hawaii was a great trip. I still remember the way I felt when we first got off that airplane when we landed on the big island it was a rush of happiness and excitement all wrapped up in one.  Then, we got to go to the beach straight from the airport and it was beautiful to get to watch the sunset over the water on our first night in Hawaii. It was an exciting feeling to know that we were in Hawaii and getting to do things that a lot of people have not been able to do. I also enjoyed getting to learn a lot of things about Hawaii and the culture that a lot of people don’t know about.
I do admit at first this trip wasn’t really anything I thought it was going to be. I wanted to go home after the third day because I just didn’t want to be there. Yes it did seem like I was just being a spoiled brat about it but I honestly think it was more I just missed being home is why I had such a hard time. But as time went on and we started to do more things like sightseeing and more things that personally I was into it seemed to actually get better and I started to be excited to be there.  I do like the fact of being able to have the chance to go to Hawaii. If you think about it, a lot of people will never get the chance to be able to do a trip like this and get to see what we got to see.
We did so much snorkeling when we were there I think I’m good without snorkeling for a good while. I wasn’t crazy about all the snorkeling honestly I think the only time I really truly enjoyed it was when we did the fish labs because that was something I was more into. But, I liked all the sightseeing we got to do. For example, getting to see waterfalls, a lava tube, dolphins, manta rays was great. The more tourist stuff I guess was what I was into more than anything because I love sightseeing.
My favorite memory while we were there honestly would have to be getting to see the sunrise on top of the tallest mountain in the world. It was breath taking and something I had never seen before. It was a once in a life time experience and I’m so glad I took the chance to go see it. Even despite the altitude sickness it was an amazing sight.
Another favorite part of the trip was going to Maui and getting to see the Fourth of July fireworks over the ocean. I was upset at first that I wasn’t spending the holiday with my family because that’s what I was used to but I got to spend it with a good friend I had made there in Hawaii and see an amazing fireworks show which I think made up for not being with my family. But it was so crowded we had to walk far just to get a good enough view to see the fireworks because we kept ending up with trees in our way. But it was really cool to see them over the water. It made it just so much better.
I think the greatest part about being there was making new friends with the people who went. I think by the end of the trip we were more like a family then just friends. I do regret keeping to myself at the beginning of the trip because the people I met and became friends with turned out to be really amazing people. And becoming friends more towards the end of the trip just made it harder to leave because I realized I didn’t get to know them at the beginning of the trip. But, I did make one really good friend while I was there we were inseparable the whole time we were there. It was hard to leave after getting so close to people that lived far away. Now that were not together as much anymore it’s still weird and we don’t talk very much anymore which sucks because we were all so close on the trip.
I wouldn’t trade the memories for anything because we should never regret what has happened because then we wouldn’t move on to the future because we would be stuck in the past. I do regret talking to my boyfriend and worrying about him so much because I’ll let you have this one Hartman you were right (yes I just admitted you were right, don’t expect this very often) we ended up breaking up a couple weeks after I got back. So letting him waste my time with being upset because of getting in a fight over something ridiculous was stupid on my part because I ruined getting to know some of the people that were on the trip.
I had a wonderful time in Hawaii and yes it’s not as tropical as I figured it was going to be I mean dead grass and black rock was oh so beautiful too but it’s just not what I expected but I still had a great time anyways. We got to do plenty of shopping which made the trip the best because we all know I have a shopping addiction so that just satisfied me the most. But what made the trip funny to me personally was how much everyone loved my sarcastic comments usually people get annoyed by it but all of you found it hilarious. Still to this day don’t understand how you guys all thought it was funny it’s just a natural thing to me.
But on another note this is something I will truly never forget. I will be seventy and still telling people about how I went to Hawaii and almost tripped a billion times and almost was run over by cars because I was too busy texting and not paying attention. Thanks to everyone for watching out for me. We have so many inside jokes now and memories we will never forget no matter how old we get. This was a once in a life time opportunity and I’m glad to get to say I was one of the people that got the chance to go on this trip.
One more memory I have to put in here is our late night grocery store/McDonalds runs. Personally getting that case of coke and wheat thins are what got me through those early morning. And going to McDonalds is what I got to eat when I wouldn’t eat any of the food because I’m picky. I thank you teachers for taking us to both of those places because I would have starved some days with how picky I am.
We have been home for a while now and back into school for some of us but I still to this day wish I could go back there with everyone again. These memories are some I will never want to forget. I made amazing friends; I got to see amazing sights and I learned a lot of new things. This is one trip I would recommend to anyone because the memories you get out of this trip are worth every penny. It’s a once in a life time opportunity so don’t pass up on it because I know not fully being there because I was too worried about other things truly ruined part of my trip and I regret it. I miss all of you guys and that includes the teachers and Uncle Dennis. And don’t deny it you know you miss me too